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Feeling Blue This Winter?

HD-wallpaper-december-morning-snow-forest-morning-snow-decemberDo you notice yourself experiencing increased symptoms of depression during the winter? Do you find yourself less engaged or interested in activities, family, and friends throughout the colder season? Do you dismiss these feelings or this experience as a “slump” or the winter blues? Chances are, you could be experiencing the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) (2022), SAD is a type of depression that individual experiences in certain seasons, typically fall and winter in our northern climate. Generally, the signs and symptoms appear and disappear at similar times every year. Thought to be associated with the changes in the amount of direct sunlight, researchers have various theories as to why this phenomenon happens, although there are no definitive answers.

Although no substantiated answers can be frustrating and scary, it does not mean there is no hope. There are steps you can take to help minimize the negative implications of SAD.

  • Invest in a SAD light- specialized lights that increase your exposure to bright light that you may be lacking
  • Get outside- fresh air can do wonders, even if it’s only 10 minutes on those cold days
  • Talk to someone- talk about your experience, chances are someone has experienced something similar

As a certified mental health professional, I can help you address various concerns including depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder. To schedule a session or see how I can help, please email, call or text 780-571-3536, or go online at

Excerpt from: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health [CAMH]. (2022). Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).